
This is my portfolio for the Master Crossovercreativity at The HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. In the period 2019-2021 I designed a toolkit to break the taboo of the menopause of women, named AbFabFlashes. This toolkit contains various approaches to make the menopause of women visible and discussable. Discussable among women, at the workplace and in society in general. Some elements, like the Diner pensant, can be used at your own workplace to start the conversation about the menopause. If you are interested, please contact me. Others, like Barbie in menopause, are aimed at starting a public debate on the theme ’the menopause’. These are less useful for personal use, but if you would like to contribute to these projects, feel free to send me a message as well.


This site will be updated with new design and different images of the menopause every now and then.


I hope you enjoy reading, listening and viewing this website.


For more information about the menopause: